Tuesday 18 August 2015

No wonder desertion - Nape

Katibu wa Itikadi na Uenezi wa CCM, Nape Nnauye, akizungumza na waandishi wa habari (hawapo pichani)
Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) is dismayed nor be upset by a wave of its members in the party shift this time Faced with fierce competition in the general elections to be held Oct. 25 this year. Writes Love Omary ... (continue).
CCM Publicity Secretary, Nape Nnauye has told journalists today in Dar es Salaam that the issue of members to shift and move opposition parties are common and ishangai CCM.
"For those who leave their homes to go to the party and they need to realize that even the established opposition parties from CCM. They promote normal procedure. Leave them is not a strange thing, many of them are left to their own personal problems, "said Nape, in a statement which signals such as senior leaders of the party are not apathetic about kukitenga wave of party cadres.
Nape has issued the statement in the context to suggest kukibomoa the party that is in power all these years since ilipojitawala republic after independence. CCM is a product of TANU and ASP, associations participated independence of Tanganyika and Zanzibar.
Tens of tens of cadres her, including leaders of the highest level as chairmen of regional, community youth, and the outgoing parliament, has been out of the party and move to the opposition and especially its affiliated unions in the United Constitution of Men (Kawa) - Association Democracy and Progress (CHADEMA), the Association of Men (CUF), NCCR-Reform and the National League for Democracy (NLD).


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