Wednesday 12 August 2015

Eva Carneiro 'to be banned from Chelsea bench by Jose Mourinho'

Chelsea first team doctor Eva Carneiro on the touchline

Chelsea club doctor Eva Carneiro is reportedly to be banned from sitting on the Blues bench during matches.

The Premier League's most talked-about doctor - indeed, its only talked-about doctor - hit the headlines at the weekend when she was given a public dressing down by Jose Mourinho after the 2-2 draw with Swansea.
Carneiro responded with a Facebook post which is unlikely to have gone down well with Chelsea.
Mourinho blamed the medical staff for being too quick to rush to treatEden Hazard when he went down in the later stages of the match, hurting Chelsea's chances of scoring a winner.
And the Daily Telegraph reports that Carneiro will probably not sit on the bench again after a "backroom shake-up" by Mourinho.
"It is understood that while Carneiro will remain Chelsea’s first-team doctor, she will not attend training sessions, games or enter the hotel. As things stand, she is not expected to be on the bench for Sunday’s trip toManchester City," writes the paper's Matt Law.
"Carneiro, however, will still carry out her work with first-team players at Chelsea’s Cobham training ground in what is being seen as a re-tasking of duties. It remains to be seen whether Carneiro will accept her new lower-profile role long term, although she is not the only member of Mourinho’s staff to have their working arrangements changed."


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