Wednesday 12 August 2015

10 Ways to Charm a Girl happy for you always

6. Ask your date about herself
Nothing bores a girl so much as man who keeps on droning about himself – his work, his achievements and his possessions. Instead, ask your date about her family, her friends, work, hobbies and interests. These questions will keep the conversation going and help to tide over awkward pauses, if any. If you feel sure of yourself, ask interesting things like where she sees herself in another ten years, or what she would choose if she could take only three things if she was stranded on an island. However, be careful not to appear too prying and be sure to take a hint if she seems unwilling to talk about her family or her job. Also steer clear of controversial topics, since a first date is not the right occasion to air your political or religious convictions.
7. Pay attention to your date
Listen actively to what she has to say and maintain eye contact when she is speaking to you. Seldom is anything so irritating to a girl, as when her date lets his gaze stray to the long, stockinged legs at the next table. Also avoid fiddling with your phone or checking the time too often. When you pay attention to what she has to say, she will not only be charmed by your consideration, but also feel valued and respected, which is essential for any serious relationship.
8. Show consideration to others
A girl with her wits about her, will keenly watch how you behave with others. While your pretty manners with her may flatter her into being momentarily charmed, if you are rude with the waiter or argumentative with the movie-hall usher, she might be intelligent enough to see these as indicative of a selfish personality. On the other hand, if you are polite to others around you, she will respect you as a mature person who has self-assurance enough to be considerate to others.
9. Be yourself
Let your true personality guide you in what you say and do on your first date. Nothing is so pathetic as a guy who is faking it, for it reveals immaturity and a huge lack of self-confidence. Be your own true self and she will surely be attracted to the person you are.
10. Drop her home
If all has gone well on your first date, be sure to drop her home. This will make her feel extra-special and she will be charmed by the tender romance of the gesture. Don't try to talk her into having sex with you on the first date, even if the chemistry is definite. It will make it seem like that's all you're looking for.


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